Subject: Re: Help - need to identify/obtain a DEC cable
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Jon Lindgren <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/10/2000 06:05:26
On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Chuck McManis wrote:


> capacitor/resistors. In a fully equipped 4000/200 there is a cable that 
> connects the DSSI connector to the 50 pin honda connector of this paddle 
> board. I am trying to find out the DEC part number for that cable, and a 
> source for said cable to complete the restoration. If you can help (perhaps 
> you have a 4000/200 chassis manual with the part number) or a similar 
> chassis that you could look at the cable for me, I would appreciate it.

I've got a 4000/200 at home which has a similar type of connector.  No
paddle board, tho - there is a 50 pin connector (a la scsi) which goes
from the DSSI connector on the KA660 to a socket above, where the drives
are.  From there, a 50 pin ribbon cable snakes its way about, connecting
to wary devices, finally ending up at a male 50 pin honda (reverse from
scsi - no mistakes there ;-)

If it's still got its DEC numbers on it, I'll try to grab 'em for you

> (On an unrelated note I've got a 1.5Alpha snapshot build from 7/31/00 The 
> ramdisk version of the kernel didn't build (the install kernel built but 
> the miniroot.fs didn't) if anyone is interested I can upload it somewhere. 
> I don't think it has the DEBNA booter but Ragge would know better than me 
> on that.)

On my 4000/200:

I was booting the 20000620-1.5 snapshot yesterday... the kernel from
kern.tgz worked fine, but the netbsd.ram.gz would load
(i.e. xxxxx+xxxxx+xxxxx is properly displayed), but promptly dies with an
illegal instruction or equiv. (can't remember exactly).

Does anyone know if I have to boot this directly via mop or something?  Is
there something different I need to do?

 "Hey - this old machine screams like a snail on acid!" - (a true
  comment by a fellow who recently installed NetBSD on an old server)