Subject: Re: booting VAX 400-300 from SCSI hd
To: Michael Kukat ,M J Dowden <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/09/2000 13:44:12
At 10:16 PM 8/9/00 +0200, Michael Kukat wrote:
> > >>>show qbus
> > -20001468 (772150) = 0000 RQDX3/KDA50/RRD50/RQC25/KFQSA-DISK
> > -20001940 (774500) = 0000 TQK50/TQK70/TU81E/RV20/KFQSA-TAPE
>The upper two lines are a MSCP controller. If you can't boot off it, you might
>have to setup something in the firmware. Search for KFQSA in the port-vax 
>there was a very fine detailes description of this controller. It is DSSI, but
>maybe, you can get something parallel.

This is the SCSI controller. The 4000/300 ROMs report it as a KFQSA but not 
to worry. The trick is that you need the new bootstrap that Ragge checked 
in a while ago that boots using the "RPB" code. In _theory_ it should be 
able to boot from RZ57's since the monitor boot knows to spin them up 
first, but I've not tried it. My 4000/200 boots happily from a CMD 
controller and the 4000/300 boots from an Emulex controller just fine on 1.5.
