Subject: None
To: James Green <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/25/2000 11:02:28
> Before I get to installing NetBSD (btw; thanx for all the hints :) I
> would like to have a snoop around the hard disk.  The problem is that
> [its] previous owner is now dead, so there is no chance of getting
> the root password.

Before going to too much trouble over this, try the classic logins:
user system, password manager; user field, password service; user
systest, password uetp.  If the machine was non-networked there's some
chance the previous owner was using those.  Once you get a login,
"show proc/priv" will show you the process's privileges, and if you can
find a login with SETPRV, you're golden.  (Or, theoretically, CMKRNL or
probably CMEXEC, though leveraging CMKRNL into full access requires a
bit more skill and effort than ditto for SETPRV - and CMEXEC, if it is
in fact enough, even more so.)

> I would probably like to mount the hard disk into a i386 Linux or
> i386 *BSD box around here.

First issue is electrical compatability. :-)

> What format/filesystem would be on the disk?

Back when I used VMS, the filesystem was called FILES-11 and was almost
completely undocumented.  I saw bqt, who quite likely knows more than I
about it, say ODS-2, which may or may not be another name for the same
thing.  If anyone can find docs on the on-disk layout, I'd be
interested in hacking together some tools; somewhere, I ought to have a
disk image from my VS2K's disk before I destroyed the VMS install in
favor of NetBSD/vax....

					der Mouse

		     7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B