Subject: Re: kernel params
To: Anders Magnusson <>
From: rj45 <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/25/2000 06:36:08
I just need t oincrease hte datasize kernel parameter to compile imlib or
otherwise I Am unable to do it.
I will recompile the kernel.



On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Anders Magnusson wrote:

> > 
> > Ok, so the hard limit is set to 25MB, which may be a bit low for some vaxen.
> > I don't know how to change it at compile time, but you should be able to bump
> > it if you're root.
> > I think you could bump it for all sessions by bumping init's one in the
> > startup scripts (e.g set in /etc/rc.local:
> > sysctl -w proc.curproc.rlimit.datasize.hard=67108864
> > to have a 64M hard limit). Then regular users should be able to bump the soft
> > limit up to 64M.
> > 
> The hard limit on VAXen is 24MB of data. This is because the page table
> design on VAX consumes an incredible amount of memory, so increasing it
> will steal much static allocated memory. Note that traditional BSD on VAX
> had a default data size on 6MB and a max on 16MB.
> I have some ideas on how to decrease the amount of memory used by page
> tables, but it will be far away in the future before this gets done.
> -- Ragge