Subject: Re: kernel params
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/25/2000 14:35:06
> Ok, so the hard limit is set to 25MB, which may be a bit low for some vaxen.
> I don't know how to change it at compile time, but you should be able to bump
> it if you're root.
> I think you could bump it for all sessions by bumping init's one in the
> startup scripts (e.g set in /etc/rc.local:
> sysctl -w proc.curproc.rlimit.datasize.hard=67108864
> to have a 64M hard limit). Then regular users should be able to bump the soft
> limit up to 64M.
The hard limit on VAXen is 24MB of data. This is because the page table
design on VAX consumes an incredible amount of memory, so increasing it
will steal much static allocated memory. Note that traditional BSD on VAX
had a default data size on 6MB and a max on 16MB.

I have some ideas on how to decrease the amount of memory used by page
tables, but it will be far away in the future before this gets done.

-- Ragge