Subject: Re: adding more pkgsrc
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/18/2000 12:22:03
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000 wrote:

> Hello,
> I built an application called sniff-1.0 for FreeBSD and it is in the
> FreeBSD port collection.
> I have rewritten the whole applicatino now using libpcap.
> I Wanted to bering thei application avaliable and since lately I Am usin
> gNetBSD on VAX and  Ireally like it I Wanted to bring it avaliable for
> NetBSD expecially NetBSD/VAX.
> I ahve the source code. I only need to do some minor test then I CAn
> release sniff-2.0
> it is a very good packet sniffer which works very well if your local LAN
> is not switched yet :)
> so if you are in terested and think my applicatin should be interested 
> how I ahve to do to put it in the pkgsrc ???

	You should probably take a pass through the online documentation,
	confirm it compiles on NetBSD without needing any patches,
	download pkgsrc, add and text the new entry, then submit it
	via send-pr.

	It would interesting and a very worthwhile addition to pkgsrc :)

	Glad to have you NetBSD-ing...

			       -- A pmap for every occasion --