Subject: various considerations
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/17/2000 15:50:55
Hello, I have these small troubles now with the latest snapshot installed:
1) the name service, ti works but I Always got these warning message
Jul 17 15:40:57 mariah /netbsd: arplookup: unable to enter address for
1.102 (host is not on local network)

2) I have these ld warning whatever progam I get to compile and link:
tis was linking for ssh

gcc  -I. -I. -I../.. -I.           -I../.. -I../..         -I../../include
-DETCDIR=\"/etc\" -DSSH_BINDIR=\"/usr/local/bin\" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -
I. -I. -I../..  -g -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -I/usr/X11R6/include -c
gcc  -g -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas  -o sshd2 sshd2.o -L. -L../../lib
-lssh2 -lss
h -ltermcap -L/usr/local/lib -lcrypt -ltermcap  -lutil
ld: sshd2.o: RRS text relocation at 0x336d for "___sF"
ld: sshd2.o: RRS text relocation at 0x33cd for "___sF"
ld: sshd2.o: RRS text relocation at 0x3427 for "___sF"
ld: sshd2.o: RRS text relocation at 0x3fb2 for "___sF"
ld: sshd2.o: RRS text relocation at 0x3fd1 for "___sF"
ld: ./libssh2.a(sshappcommon.o): RRS text relocation at 0xd05c for "___sF"
ld: ./libssh2.a(sshappcommon.o): RRS text relocation at 0xd0ca for "___sF"
ld: ./libssh2.a(sshchsession.o): RRS text relocation at 0xf6b1 for "___sF"
ld: ./libssh2.a(sshchsession.o): RRS text relocation at 0xfaed for "___sF"
ld: ./libssh2.a(sshchsession.o): RRS text relocation at 0x10c8d for
ld: ./libssh2.a(sshchsession.o): RRS text relocation at 0x10e51 for

3) latest questoin:
   for installing the latest snapshot I just booted the snapshot from May
which had a bootable CD image then I Got the new snapshot kernel and the
new boot program. after testing they were working I did overwirte the old
kernel and boot program and I untarred the new snapshot distribution over
the old one and everything seems working now. Is it the correct method to
use to install a new version of a NetBSD system ?

THANKS to all
