Subject: Re: kernel building
To: Anders Magnusson <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/17/2000 19:22:35
Enjoy the fine summer weather! (Strangely for me I only get a chance to 
work on NetBSD issues a lot when I am on vacation :-)
It will keep for a while, the short answer to my build was no, it doesn't 
work to try to do a simple merge. A more complicated merge might do the 
right thing, in the mean time I'm going to see about switching my 3400 into 
a BA215 (more compact!) so that I can keep it closer to home (and thus 
easier to reboot). I saw the shac0 config label so perhaps we're working in 
a similar direction.


At 09:29 PM 7/17/00 +0200, Anders Magnusson wrote:
>Well, I'm on summer vacation, so I have a little difficult to fix the
>problem. I'm sorry for the inconvenience I'm reason to.
>-- Ragge
> > I don't know if anyone cares or not but if you do I found vsbus_dma_start.
> > Apparently Ragge's incorporation of the MFM stuff hit "mid-tag" as it were
> > and some of the files in the main branch are needed in the 1.5 branch. In
> > particular it seems that vsbus.c and vsbus_dma.c in the main line are more
> > up to date than the netbsd-1-5 branch tag. I've merged them in and I'm
> > going to see if I can get a bootable kernel out of it.
> >
> > --Chuck
> >
> >