Subject: Re: 4000/60 weird behavior
To: None <>
From: Douglas Meade <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/16/2000 21:49:33
I've seen this problem on my Vaxstation 90 running VMS. It turned out
that the disk was getting very hot. I put in another disk, and the
problem went away.
You may want to try it.
On Sun, 16 Jul 2000 wrote:
> thanks to all of you I could finally install NetBSD on my 4000/60
> I Also installed a DEC RZ25 4GB disk on my vaxstation.
> I ahd to work a lot to install it in the case sicne it is a very HOT disk,
> it warms up the environment around very much!
> Then I isntalled snapshot with kernel version 1.5-ALPHA just overwriting
> the old kernel and overwriting the distribution sets.
> Everything works fine but I got this problems:
> if I make a very hard and heavy compiling job like compiling 6 or 7
> applications teh same time so that I Can use all the RAM Avaliable it
> happend to me that the system crashed and kenel debugger started. I traced
> back and I got GCC was the one which made the system crash... but this
> happened to me only one time. Now what is happeniing is really very weird.
> AFter a while the system is running if I make hard compilation jobs, it
> happened to me 2 times that the system hangs withotu a reason, no core
> dumps no kernel crash, just NOTHING is displayed on the screen.
> ALSO the RESET switch on the front of the vaxstation does not work anymore
> and the only way for me is to POWER-CYCLE the machinee which reboots
> correctly doing fsck. also the reste switch is hanging very weird!
> Anyone of you happened before this problem of machine hanging ??
> could it be a problem of overheating ??
> could it be a problem due to the fact that a PIN in a SIMM socket of my
> vaxstation is damaged ??
> the memory test anyways shows me all the memory is OK!
> and I do not think it can be overhating.
> I installed the new SCSI disk at about 2 centimeters higher than the
> motherboard and it has no physical touch with any part of the vaxstation
> case.
> well let me know if someone of you ever experienced this problem which is
> very weird and impossible to explain why it happens for me!
> Rick