Subject: Re: Memory message MEM_NOT_AVAIL
To: None <>
From: A. Wik <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/13/2000 15:44:23
> on my 4000/60 when I issue the command
> sh mem
> I Got these results
> MEM_TOP=02000000
> MEM_BOT=00000000
> ---------------
> 01FBE800:01FFFFFF
> that is if I make the difference between the two memory values = 417FF
> that is about 200KB
> this means that 200KB of RAM on 32M total I have are not avaliable ??
> coult it be because of 1 pin of a SIMM module socket is damaged ??
> This could be the reason of the MEM_NOT_AVAIL message ?

No, that wouldn't make sense, since my VAXstation shows exactly the
same values (and has no damaged pins).  Maybe the 200K are used by
the firmware?