Subject: Re: Xwindows? BigScreen Forever?
To: David Brownlee <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/29/2000 18:25:22
> > At 02:34 PM 6/29/00 -0400, Andrew Sporner wrote:
> > >I agree here about exporting, but if you have a hugh piece of
> > >glass sitting on top of the machine it kind of seems like a
> > >waste. My only vax has a serial console, so I can ONLY export
> > >to another X Server.
> >
> > Andy hit it right on the head. Huge 21" DEC monitor showing an 80 x 24 line
> > screen _is_ a waste. We should mention in the VAX NetBSD page that X11 is
> > *not* supported displaying on the local framebuffer. (How to phrase that I
> > don't know, we can't say X11 isn't supported at all because it is, etc)
> Doesn't wscons support different font sizes and text resolution?
> Having enough columns to run window(1) with two 80 column windows
> side by side would make console usage much more interesting until
> X comes along :)
My zwei pfennigs worth, if it is worth that much.....
Some of us ol' greybeard fuds LIKE not having to squint at the microsized
chars on a 17'' DEC monitor in 60 line mode. 24x80, even if it IS on a
biggie glass, is veddy easy on the eyeballes, especially for us, ahh, err...
ancient folks... pushing the presbymyopia thingie.
For instance..... on a DS5000/xxx running a VRT-19HA, driven by a PMAG-C
in text mode on 1.4P or something like that produced 1/4 inch high chars
that were a pure joy to read.
IFF there is a choice, I would opt for the larger chars even on a biggie
screen, just for the ease of eyeballes. The default should IMHO be
24x80 regardless of screen size, and adjusted to tinyweensie, if desired.
A terminal is a terminal is a terminal, and 24x80 feels fine, regardless
of the size.
End my zwei pfennigs worth......(:+\\.....