Subject: Re: Xwindows?
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/29/2000 15:09:10
Chuck McManis writes:
> Andy hit it right on the head. Huge 21" DEC monitor showing an 80 x 24 line 
> screen _is_ a waste. We should mention in the VAX NetBSD page that X11 is 
> *not* supported displaying on the local framebuffer. (How to phrase that I 
> don't know, we can't say X11 isn't supported at all because it is, etc)

I would think you could same something like, "There is no Xserver support
for the VAX console or any VAX graphics adapter."

If people get confused by "server" versus "client" that is a different
issue. :)

Andrew Gillham                            | NetBSD ist Affengeil.                     | Nachts ist es kaelter
I speak for myself, not for my employer.  | als draussen.