Subject: RE: Xwindows?
To: NetBSD/vax Mailing List <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/29/2000 11:58:25
At 02:34 PM 6/29/00 -0400, Andrew Sporner wrote:
>I agree here about exporting, but if you have a hugh piece of
>glass sitting on top of the machine it kind of seems like a
>waste. My only vax has a serial console, so I can ONLY export
>to another X Server.
Andy hit it right on the head. Huge 21" DEC monitor showing an 80 x 24 line
screen _is_ a waste. We should mention in the VAX NetBSD page that X11 is
*not* supported displaying on the local framebuffer. (How to phrase that I
don't know, we can't say X11 isn't supported at all because it is, etc)