Subject: Re: Netbooting an 8350 ?
To: Anders Magnusson <>
From: Jarkko Hermanni Teppo <jate@UWasa.Fi>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/21/2000 12:32:58
Quoting Anders Magnusson <>:
> You will have no problem to mop-boot it from another machine, and it
> will work well with the root filesystem netmounted.
> You need very late source code to make it work, though.
OK. So I guess these are going into 1.5 branch (they were committed
before the branch ?). Anyway, would somebody be kind enough to compile
boot.mop and possibly the kernel (and the required parts) so I could test
this during the long holiday weekend (juhannus, basically the whole country
will be drunk) ?
Jarkko Teppo