Subject: Re: disk boot freeze
To: None <>
From: Frederik Meerwaldt <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/17/2000 22:44:55
> Hello All

> The bootloader starts ok, and tries to load netbsd at 
> after the autoboot banner counts down, but nothing 
> happens, and there's no activity on the disk (i've got 
> it dead bug style laying in the case and I'm watching 
> the LED on the conner).

Do you have a serial console attached to the VS3100?
I havn't got NetBSD running on my VS3100 as it crashes every time (I asked
why here before but I never got an answer.... will upgrade to 1.4.2
soon.), but I heard that the Graphics-Interface (GPX or SPX) isn't
supported even as a console-device, so the boot messages (like
countdown) appear on the graphical console, as this is not the kernel, and
the other messages don't.

Just a thought,