Subject: Re: MicroVAX/VAXserver 3300
To: None <,>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/16/2000 12:50:44
At 08:40 AM 6/15/00 -0400, Kevin Ogden wrote:
>I just got a VAXserver 3300 on ebay which I'm pretty sure is a MicroVAX 3300
>with a different label.  I just have a couple questions....

I noticed :-(

>How far along is DSSI support for NetBSD/vax?

Well it isn't here yet. The CPU in that box is the KA640 (I asked the 
seller). You're best bet if you want to play with it immediately is to 
replace the 640 with a KA650 or a KA655, a DELSQA (skunk-box DELQA), and a 
KFQSA (DSSI to MSCP controller). That will burn (depending on memory, 
either 4 or 5 of your slots, then if you put the TQK70 back in you've got a 
full backplane.

>Is there anyplace where I can get a supported disk controller without paying
>as much as I would for a new ferrari?

In this case time and money are completely interchangable. If you listen 
and wait, a disk controller will become available for free within the next 
12 - 18 months. Less time if you advertise (but that can cost some money). 
I'd say your best bet is the KFQSA (uses the disk type already in the box). 
But if you went SCSI you could run a cable to an expansion box.

>If DSSI is a long way away is there anywhere I can get a copy of ULTRIX or 
>other form of UNIX to run in the meantime?

Ultrix can only be had legally for a large donation of cash to Compaq. 
Until they create the Ultrix hobbiest program (and Ultrix/VAX is damn hard 
to find anyway as it seems it was mostly a MIPS push for DEC)

>I tried talking to Compaq (retards) but they must have thought I was on crack
>for wanting a copy of VAX Ultrix and they said the only version of Ultrix 
>still sell is Ultrix/mips after 20 minutes of being put on hold and dealing
>with people going "you want what?  Ultrix, WHY?".  I'd like to run UNIX vs VMS
>if possible.  VMS is kinda cool but I'm not extremely familiar with it.

The ethernet port of the KA640 is supported so you could, if you chose, run 
VMS from the local drive and then run NetBSD diskless over the net.


P.S. For anyone else on this list who might have some excess vaxage, I'm 
looking for a BA215 cabinet is good shape for my collection of VAXen.