Subject: RE: EQUIPMENT ALERT: MultiBus goodies & VAXen!
To: 'John' <>
From: John Allain <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/30/2000 10:11:15
Definitely interested.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Bruce Lane
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 8:16 PM
Subject: EQUIPMENT ALERT: MultiBus goodies & VAXen!

CC'd to Port-VAX and Classiccmp...

Hi, folks,

	The local (Seattle) used computer place I work with on 
occasion has turned up a whole stack of DEC VAXStation 4000's 
(desktop/'pizza box' configuration). I think these are the VLC model.

	Very little is known about them, though I also saw a whole pile 
of in-the-box LK401 keyboards with them. I'm pretty sure the owner 
of the place would let 'em go pretty cheap, especially since they're 
mainly a PC store.

	If there's any interest in these, let me know and I'll go over one 
or more in detail.

	Now, on the MultiBus front: The Seattle store has turned up a 
MultiBus computer that's full of boards, and at least one tape drive. 
It's in a rack chassis, pretty light for its size, and has a whole slew 
of serial ports (9-pinners) on the backside. It also has an SMD disk 
controller, and what appears to be a SCSI adapter (at least it's tied 
to a SCSI/QIC-xx bridge board to run the cartridge tape drive).

	Again, if there's any interest, let me know (and please include 
any offers -- don't be shy!) and I'll see what I can do to rescue the 

	Thanks much.

Bruce Lane, Owner/Head Honcho,
Blue Feather Technologies (
"SCSI Users, Unite! Beware the IDEs of March!"