Subject: MicroVAX 3400 netboot trouble
To: None <>
From: Rink Springer <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/15/2000 19:29:52
After I got my VAX 4000/300 to boot, I got a MicroVAX 3400 (yippeee!).
Anyhow, I set up my servers to allow the beast to netboot, but, alas, it
doesn't work! The box reads the MOP loader and runs the NetBSD loader. The
NetBSD loader retrieves the IP address, and happily loads the kernel. But,
when it runs the kernel, it nicely probes for devices, but the kernel says:
boot device: unkown
root device:
It shows me a prompt where I can enter the root device, but 'halt' is the
only allowed option, and that halts the box. Anyone know how I can get this
box to boot?