Subject: Re: Building -current from 1.4.1?
To: Matt Thomas <>
From: David O'Brien <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/17/2000 01:54:54
On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 05:33:26PM -0800, Matt Thomas wrote:
> Ideally the build system should have a make bootstrap which builds everything
> needed to build the system. (compilers, binutils, yacc/lex, and other useful
> things).

I realize this is a month late -- but this is what the FreeBSD ``make
world'' does.  First the build-tools and build-libs are built and
installed into a tree rooted /usr/obj/tmp/.  Then those tools are used to
build the entire system.  This way one can always go from FreeBSD version
X to version X+1.  The only limitation is the requirement that the person
updates the system to the latest -STABLE (release) in the X series.

-- David    (