Subject: Re: Formatting software tape image, anyone?
To: Johnny Billquist <bqt@Update.UU.SE>
From: M.Stein <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/14/2000 08:37:50
On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Johnny Billquist wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Erno Palonheimo wrote:
> > I've understood that if you want to format MSCP disks on a MicroVAX II,
> > you have to use some DEC-supplied utility to do that. If I'm correct, the
> > utility is on a TK50 cartridge, from which you're supposed to boot to the
> > diagnostics utility which also includes formatter.
> Correct.
> > Does anyone by chance have this formatter utility around?
> Yes.

I'm also VERY interested in this tool, because I have problems to load
NetBSD to any of my two RA70 disks on a 3500. A test to read from the disk
(with 'dd') fails after some, but on different disks not unique numbers of
blocks. Could your formatting utility help here?

I have put the MSCP contoller with disks connected also into my 5400, but
neither the firmware nor the Ultrix detects the disks.

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