Subject: Re: OT: Source of inexpensive SCSI disks?
To: Brian Wheeler <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/07/2000 12:50:49
> Anyone know of a good source of inexpensive SCSI disks?  My disk died
> yesterday ;(  Considering it was a macintosh disk I got out of a box of
> junk at IU surplus, I suppose I should be thankful it lasted as long as it
> did :)

If you have an IU surplus pit there, go diving.  That is probably the
least expensive way to find drives.  Secondly, try local amateur radio
hamfests.  Thirdly, spend real money from a used drive house.

I get good mileage out of the first method, around here, since Y2K caused
many ``UNIX'' machines to go out the door in favor of Gatesware toys.
Also, lots of 486 netware servers went bellyup, for the same reasons.
That makes my day!  (and makes me chuckle every time I go near our
surplus pit).  The second method can provide lots of sleeper drives that
folks don't know how to stuff in PeeCees.  The third method costs real
bucks, and is frowned upon.....(:+\\...

Good machines to scrounge for are ``old dinosaur 486 servers'' that
can't seem to run Gatesware these days.  Lots of scsi sleepers can be
found in those things, since most servers seem to have had scsi drives
in that era.  I find lots of 1 giggers that way for a couple bucks a
machine.  Look for the ugly heavy towers that just don't seem to fit
on Ma's pretty flowery desktop environment.  Ma U poopoos them, and I
chuckle, all the way back to my car.....(:+\\...

Good Luck
