Subject: Re: Question re. installation
To: None <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/28/2000 10:35:37
> > What I had to do was write out the boot to a spare drive (in my case sd4).
> > The boot was from 1.4.1 or 1.4.2 or 1.4P (forget which, exactly right now,
> > but I THINK it was the 1.4.2 boot).
> >
> > Then boot that, BUT, rather than installing the 1.4.2 stuff I ftp installed
> > the 1.4V stuff, and it seemed to take fine.
> OK, the interesting point would be *how* you did that. I can boot from
> floppy disk, and this is how I got that stuff on my hd in the first
> place. But now how can I install a working kernel?
What I do is something like this.....
1. Install Ultrix to get a running machine.
2. On a spare drive, dd the 1.4.2 boot.fs onto sd4c or something out
of the way and not sd0.
3. when booted, set ftp install from a local machine using the 1.4V
sets rather than the 1.4.2 sets.
4. Reboot and it is up and running.
Last night, I had 2 already done, on the spare drive, so just did 3 and
4 and it was up and running.
If you don't have Ultrix to get the machine up the first time, you
have to use something that has a tape or netboot or floppy boot.
My MV3100 does not have any floppies, so I have not booted from
floppy. I did tapeboot one time from 1.4.1 or 1.3.2 or something
like that, so that does work. There is a cdboot image in the
archives, although I have not tried that. Anymore, I always keep
a spare drive with a boot on it, usually an RZ24 or something like
that. I have been known to keep a spare drive set up as ID3 or
with an entire working system on it, usually an RZ25 or something
like that, and then just dump/restore onto a new machine.
That is all I can think of, offhand. I don't know if that answers
your question specifically in the case of getting the machine up the
first time.