Subject: Re: Did the VAX snapshot get finished yet?
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/24/2000 01:43:00
Hi Geeks.

OK. The snapshot is ready.

I am currently building the installtools (/usr/src/distrib/vax) when I
get thru I will place them in my anonymous FTP. 

Additionaly I will try to build a bootable CD image like Anders Hogrelius 
did some time ago. (Thank you for the tips Anders.) 

Uuups: I get an error when building the ramdisk. 
make -f objs exe
in /usr/src/current/src/distrib/vax/ramdisk ends with:
cc -static -o ramdiskbin ramdiskbin.o cat.cro chmod.cro chown.cro chroot.cro cp.cro dd.cro df.cro disklabel.cro ed.cro fsck.cro fsck_ffs.cro ftp.cro gzip.cro ifconfig.cro init.cro less.cro ln.cro ls.cro mkdir.cro mknod.cro mount.cro mount_cd9660.cro mount_ffs.cro mount_nfs.cro mount_kernfs.cro mt.cro mv.cro newfs.cro ping.cro pwd.cro reboot.cro restore.cro rm.cro route.cro sed.cro sh.cro shutdown.cro slattach.cro stty.cro swapctl.cro sync.cro test.cro umount.cro sysinst.cro pax.cro -L/usr/lib  -ledit -lutil -lcurses -ltermcap -lrmt -lcrypt -ll -lm
gzip.cro: Undefined symbol `_bzDecompressInit' referenced from text segment
gzip.cro: Undefined symbol `_bzDecompress' referenced from text segment
gzip.cro: Undefined symbol `_bzDecompressEnd' referenced from text segment
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
*** Error code 1


bzDecompress? bzip? ???
What is going wrong here? I need the ramdisk for the CD image. 

