Subject: Re: booting VS3100 by floppy
To: Magnus Gr|nlund <>
From: Georg Schwarz <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/21/2000 16:13:13
> Almost. I tried to backtrace what I did and if I can remember correctly,
> this is how I did it (And 80 pieces is incorrect, it's twice that.):
> (it's (t)csh by the way :-)
> gunzip boot.fs.gz
> split -b 7680 boot.fs   #each track is 15 sectors, so if the boot-image
>                         #had been 1.2MB the result would have been 160 pi=
> dd if=3D/dev/zero of=3Dpad count=3D3 #create the 3 sector big "padding"
> touch boot.rx23                #make noclobber happy
> foreach i (x*)                 #but it all back together
> >cat $i pad >> boot.rx23
> >end
> Then you should have a 1229824 bytes image ready to dd to the floppy.

Thanks a lot! It really *works*!!!

Looks like I have a VS3100 {30|40} (so which one?) with 16 MB RAM and
two RZ23 hard disks. Ethernet seems to be recognized.

Now, should I try to install NetBSD 1.4.2, or should I rather try to install
the current snapshot on this model?
Also, can I make the setup program use both disks, say sd0 for /, /swap and
sd1 for /usr?

BTW, those HDs are *really, really* noisy!! Is there anything that could be
done about that?

Georg Schwarz                   
Institut f=FCr Theoretische Physik    Tel. +49 30 314-24254, FAX -21130
Technische Universit=E4t Berlin
Sekr. PN 7-1, Hardenbergstr. 36, D-10623 Berlin            IRC: kuroi