Subject: Re: Can't login when running multiuser
To: Peter Joules <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/12/2000 17:57:26
> I have now got my MV3100 netbooting [...]

> root login refused on this terminal

This almost certainly means that the relevant terminal line is not
marked "secure" in /etc/ttys (the diskless machine's /etc/ttys).

> I have tried copying the /etc/passwd from the server to the VAX's
> /etc/passwd and then using a normal user name and then get 'login
> incorrect' despite the fact that I am using a valid user name and
> password.

You probably need to copy /etc/master.passwd instead.  (And then run
pwd_mkdb on the client, which is normally done automatically by vipw.)

					der Mouse

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