Subject: Re: VS4000 SCSI: status
To: None <>
From: J. Buck Caldwell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/10/2000 13:12:27
The terminal I'm having problems with is a MicroTerm VT220 clone. It is not set
for smooth scroll. Sometimes, unplugging the MMJ from the system will make it
work - sometimes, toggling the Data Leads Only/Modem Control setting will work -
sometimes nothing will make it work. It's wierd.
So: Back to SCSI stuff. I managed to get into the system, and disklabel'ed the
drives - that worked fine, no problem at all. However, when I try to newfs a
partition on the drive, it fails with Device Not Confiugred. The device files do
exist in the /dev directory. Do I need to rebuild newfs? My userland is from
-J. Buck Caldwell