Subject: 3900 questions [ Was Re: MOP (Re: [VAX] Re: Running the
To: Cliff Albert <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/07/2000 09:39:01
At 10:26 PM 3/6/00 +0100, Cliff Albert wrote:
>1  - The second MSCP controller in the MV 3900 doesn't work for some
>strange reason (check It isn't broken
>because it does work in VMS

Looking at your boot log messages I see:
mscpbus2 at uda1uda1: controller error, sa=0101513 (unknown error code)
uda1: controller error, sa=0101513 (unknown error code)
mscpbus2: can't init, controller hung

Note that it is trying to attach to "uda1uda1" this suggests that the
configuration is wrong. it should say:

mscpbus2 at uda1: version 3 model 5
mscpbus2: DMA burst size set to 4

Since it found the controller at csr 160334 I would go back and make sure
that it where the controller actually *is*. Do a 'show q-bus' from the
chevron prompt and make sure that is the base CSR for your controller. In
my 3800 the second disk controller is at 160354 because I've got a DHV11 in
there and I followed the CSR rules so that VMS could see it as well.

>2  - When booting the MV 3900 i still get a error when the VAX is checking
>itself, Further examination tells that Test 53 failes.. Some ideas on this

I've got no idea, I can guess that it is a termination on the ethernet
issue as its in that range somewhere. I should have the Tech Manual on the
KA655 shortly so I could look it up.
