Subject: Re: 1.4.1 vaxdiffs.gz file
To: Brian Chase <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/05/2000 09:52:18
> Argh.. Brownlee and I worked hard on this during the 1.4.1 release and I
> know we asked to have them pulled up into the tree(s) at that time. Well
> Brownlee did the coding and generated the diffs. I was his personal QA
> dept and tested the changes on my collection of VAXen. I was really
> hoping they'd have made their way into 1.4.2 since a lot of the vaxdiffs
> were what made the 1.4.1 a relatively easy release to install from
> scratch.
It may be my fault in that case, sorry in that case.
But anyway; the doc/dist changes are in now, so be happy :-)
-- Ragge