Subject: Re: No QBUS in the "supported hardware devices"?
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/04/2000 13:15:57
> I've made a rather half-hearted attempt at 5500 support, but discovered
> I know absolutely zip about vax console support.  I can get a kernel to
> boot and panic with "Console not supported." really easily :-(
> Does anyone have any pointers to doco on the "System Support Chip" that
> handles console I/O?  There seems to be scattered references among the
> ka650 code, but not much...
Console I/O is very simple. A VAX uses internal registers for it in
the CPU, but a MIPS use registers in the SSC. The bits in the SCC registers
is the same as the VAX registers with the same name; RXCS/RXDB/TXCS/TXDB.

Look at vax/gencons.[ch] on how to program it. You can take that code
and use it with very small changes. (mtpr's to pointers).

-- Ragge