Subject: partitioning RD54
To: None <>
From: Eric Smith <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/27/2000 05:33:47
I've finally succeeded at netbooting 1.4.1 on a KA655-based system.
I've got an RD54 on an RQDX3, and I'm trying to partition it and create
filesystems.  I did a "disklabel -w ra0 rd54".  I can then do a newfs
on /dev/rra0a, /dev/rra0d, and /dev/rra0e, but I get an error when I try
to newfs /dev/rra0f:

# newfs /dev/rra0f
ra0: invalid command (unknown subcode) (code 1, subcode 224)
write error: 190484
wtfs: Undefined error: 0

"disklabel ra0" produces (before any newfs):

# disklabel ra0
# ra0c:
type: MSCP
disk: rd54
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 17
tracks/cylinder: 15
sectors/cylinder: 255
cylinders: 1225
total sectors: 312375
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0           # milliseconds
track-to-track seek: 0  # milliseconds
drivedata: 0 

7 partitions:
#        size   offset     fstype   [fsize bsize   cpg]
  a:    15884        0     unused     1024  8192         # (Cyl.    0 - 62*)
  b:    33440    15884       swap                        # (Cyl.   62*- 193*)
  c:   311200        0     unused     1024  8192         # (Cyl.    0 - 1220*)
  d:    15884    49324     unused      512  4096         # (Cyl.  193*- 255*)
  e:    55936    65208     unused     1024  8192         # (Cyl.  255*- 475*)
  f:   190485   121144     unused     1024  8192         # (Cyl.  475*- 1222*)
  g:   261876    49324     unused     1024  8192         # (Cyl.  193*- 1220*)

I'm sure I must be doing something exceptionally stoopid, but I'm not sure

Is there any particular reason why the disktab entry specifies 1225 cylinders,
rather than the manufacturer-specified 1224?  The end of partition f looks
like it would be at sector 311628, somewhat lower than the 312120 sectors
the drive should have or the 312375 sectors given in the geometry section.
How many sectors does the RQDX3 actually make available on an RD54?

I'm hoping to get an KFQSA and RF35 working soon, but for now the RD54 is
the only suitable disk drive I've got.
