Subject: Re: VAXstation 2000 Progress
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Jeff Johnson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/17/2000 16:33:02
On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 01:30:19PM -0800, Chuck McManis wrote:
> At 04:03 PM 2/17/00 -0500, Jeff Johnson wrote:
> >All without a monitor, I finally got the system running, but I need
> >help... bad.
> >The 990101 was the only kernel I can make work:
> >Jan 12 01:22:12 vaxclient /netbsd: NetBSD 1.3I (GENERIC) #22: Fri Jan  1
> >22:52:38 CET 1999
> Your problem appears to be that you are running a 1.3 kernel with a 1.4
> userland, that won't work. Please ftp the 1.4P kernel from the FTP server
> it is in
> and be sure to get the boot program as well.
> --Chuck

P?  I can't find anything buy L.  That path you noted doesn't exist.
And I can't find, which
has netbsd.990101, netbsd-1.4L-DMASCSI-CRT, netbsd-1.4L-DMASCSI, 
netbsd-1.4.1.scsidebug, netbsd-1.3K-bdc-19990320.gz, boot.mop.991023,
and boot.991023.

I'd appreciate if you could send me the 1.4P kernel and boot.mop stuff.

Jeffrey H. Johnson - - System Administration - TrN
Barnet Worldwide Enterprises - The Website Factory -