Subject: HP 2247 or 2490A drives in VAXen?????
To: None <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/11/2000 11:49:22
Visiting the surplus pit this week (no spare DEC keyboard for whomever it
was on the list in the MIT area that was wanting one -- sorry), I chanced
upon some HP drives at fair prices.  They were HP 2247 and HP 2490A types.
The 2247 is a 1.05 gig, and the 2490A is a 5? gig, if I am reading my
sunformat.dat entries correctly from my sun info.  Now, the question
arises.... will these critters work in VAXen, particularly my VS3100
M38 or MV3100/10 things?  IFF so, can anyone give me any info as to
which jumpers to set (parity, motor-on, etc)?  I am assuming parity
is off and motor-on is off.  Are there any gotchas in running these
on the VAXen, as to formatting?  I am assuming the 1 gig drives will
do fine, but not sure on the 5 gig things.

Any insights are appreciated.

