Subject: OpenVMS Equipment Available for Sale or Trade
To: Ben Hodges <HodgesBF@Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil>
From: Michael Sigourney <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/28/2000 12:29:32

We have the following OpenVMS VAXstation & system available for sale.  Do
you know of anyone at the Navy base, your site or anywhere else that might
be interested in purchasing this or discussing a trade?  Any suggestions
you can offer are greatly appreciated.

VAXstation 3100 (Desktop) - Model V5425-JA

  - CD drive internal
  - Disk drive internal
  - Disk drive external
  - All cables & cords
  - DEC Keyboard (expanded)
  - DEC 3-Button Mouse

DEC Color Monitor (19-21"?) - Model VR297-DA

TK-50 Drive external

4MM (TLZ04) Drive external

Software CDs & Licenses for...

  - NAS for OpenVMS v5.0  #AG-Q2LNB-RE
  - NAS for OpenVMS v5.0  #AG-PTM5D-RE
  - OpenVMS VAX Consolidated Software Distribution  (All 12 of 12 CDs)
  - OpenVMS VAX Consolidated Software Distribution Suppliment (1 of 1 CDs)
  - OpenVMS VAX v6.1 Binaries & Documentation (1 of 1 CDs)

Also have the following software and original license documents for:

  - AV-LU85D-TE
  - OL-001AC-BB
  - QL-A96AC-AA
  - QL-965AC-AA
  - QL-100AC-AA
  - QL-015AC-AA
  - QL -D04AC-AA
  - QL-126A9-LH

Also have:

DEC VT320 Terminal and Keyboard (Amber screen) in like new condition.
Automatic screen saver and NO burn in images.


We also have approximately 50 TK50 tape cartridges.




Michael Sigourney

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