Subject: Re: Dual disk BA23s
To: None <>
From: Megan <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/26/2000 21:48:27
>  I have done it; it does work.  As is evident from the two-drives' worth
>of MFM connectors on the distribution panel, it's designed to work that

> Keep in mind, though, that there are two different front button panels
>for the BA23...the four button design and one with six buttons.  The
>six-button one gives you all you need for multiple hard drives if I
>recally correctly (I'd check but mine is downstairs and I'm lazy)... 

I have done it as well, and you are correct -- the six-button version
of the front panel is required for those who don't have to time to
cobble the 4-button version into something workable.

In fact, the system I have has an RD54, an RD33 and an RX33, so I
have the two drives *and* a removable media drive as well...

					Megan Gentry
					Former RT-11 Developer

| Megan Gentry, EMT/B, PP-ASEL   | Internet (work): gentry! |
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