Subject: Re: VS II/RC funzies... what are the pieces?
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/24/2000 16:50:26
>> g) Viking VIK/QTO SCSI(?) controller (50 pin header thing)
>If that's the case, you really lucked out? Any disks hooked up to
There shouldn't be... the VIK/QTO was the tape-only SCSI controller.
The VIK/QDO is disk-only, and (surprise!) the VIK/QDT is disk and tape.
Tim Shoppa Email:
Trailing Edge Technology WWW:
7328 Bradley Blvd Voice: 301-767-5917
Bethesda, MD, USA 20817 Fax: 301-767-5927