, <port-vax@netbsd.org>
From: Patrick Light <GPL3866@bjc.org>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/21/2000 08:30:49
The problem is not that the VS3100 series can't support drives > 1GB it's =
VMS that cannot (VMS sees a filesystem as one big chunk; it does not =
understand partitions). ULTRIX or any other UNIX should support it with =
no problems.
>>> "Kevin Ogden" <kryogenix@crosswinds.net> 01/20/00 07:11PM >>>
I've heard that a VAXstation 3100m{3,4}{0,8} cannot use SCSI disks over =
Will it just not support partitions over 1gig or drives over 1gig?