Subject: Re: Applixware for NetBSD (fwd)
To: Michael Kukat <>
From: ville hautakangas <vhautaka@cs.Helsinki.FI>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/14/2000 21:24:14
> This is no problem, i have VMS running on my 4000VLC, because lack of cache
> support and framebuffer support in NetBSD. The box doesn't really have use
> with NetBSD for me, i have some more useful boxes for it. So it's my only
> VMS installation here. Just take the hobbyist license and feel well.

Yeah, but I'd like to have graphical desktop and I haven't got the monitor.
That's a problem.

> It's indeed usual PS/2 memory modules with parity. 80ns is enough, so you can
> put 4MB/parity into it, maybe bigger modules work, i never tested. But to use

That's what the system has, four pieces of four MB SIMMs.

> it as an X-terminal might be impossible. NetBSD has no Framebuffer support,
> Ultrix isn't made for 4000 series, and VMS, the only alternative, doesn't
> support X11, if i know right. But this is a question to the VMS gurus. Maybe
> it could work with UCX (newer just TCP/IP) installed.

Hey, I have VAX/VMS 5.5-something and OpenVMS 7.1 on a VS3100/30.
They do support X11 over TCP/IP, though I haven't bothered trying to set
the UCX DECwindows transport up for the 7.1 installation yet. And at least
on the VAX/VMS 5.5, DECwindows is only X11R5 compliant. Programs
that want a lot of colours or strange fonts can f*ck the whole windowing
system up pretty bad, but Netscape runs almost perfectly from my Pentium
w/ Linux. There are some issues with HTML backgrounds moving from
one window to another or something like that, but who cares .. :)

And again there lies an opportunity to "impress" one's friends here; I could
run Windows Solitaire and Minesweeper with Wine from the Linux box onto
the VAX desktop. Solit was not exactly playable, probably because of the
large bitmaps that had to be moved so frequently. Pretty orgastic still.

I believe the OpenVMS 7.1 DECwin may be even X11R6 compliant, but
I'm not sure.

- hautis