Subject: Re: Applixware for NetBSD (fwd)
To: David Brownlee <>
From: ville hautakangas <vhautaka@cs.Helsinki.FI>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/13/2000 14:03:39
>         Its a sick, insane, twisted thought, but would you pay $100
>         to be able to use MS Office and similar formats on a vax? (Note: I
>         do not believe they have any intention of producing a NetBSD/vax
>         port, but if there are enough insane people out there... why
>         not? :)

I think we need the X Window support first. Or probably it could be run
on a VT340 or whatever those terminals were with some graphics
capabilities? And X terminals of course...

BTW, what kind of processor lies within a VXT 2000 ? Is it a VAX or
is it something else, and would it be possible to boot them from NetBSD
(even if their native bootimage is something VMS'ish)? I would of course
crack one open & find out, but the ones I know about are lying about at
my university... just wondering.

Speaking of insane thoughts, I got this idea about writing an OS for a
200. One of those 8-port terminal servers with a 68000. A fine 'OS' would
probably be just a chat program for all eight terminals or a really simple,
character-based multiplayer shoot'em up game (ever played nsnipes on
a Novell network?). The DECserver system can be booted via MOP,
and as far as I understand, the bootimage can include just about anything
that fits in the DECserver's memory. I guess NetBSD-m68k or Linux-m68k
would be far too big. I wonder where one can find specs & programming info
for these obscure devices..

- hautis