Subject: Re: What monitors work on 5000/200 box?
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/04/2000 12:57:55
On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Chris Tribo wrote:

>     Sure thing, I'll start putting some stuff together. When I have
> something put together I'll post the URL for ppl to check its technical
> accuracy :-) I can scan in some pictures of some of my DEC stuff 5000/240,
> 5000/200, RAM chips, Prestoserve card, PMAG-C, PMAGB-BA, PMAG-A, VS
> 3100/m30, keyboards, mice, etc. Basically anything that I have, I can get up
> on the page. I'll need help with the Alpha and VAX parts, I know a little
> VAXspeak, but I'm way behind on Alpha. (Don't own one)
>     My current plan would go something like this:
> index.html
>     Systems and Peripherals
>  Dedicated page for each system w/Jumper settings for system modules, etc.
>         VAX
>         MIPS
>         Alpha
	Probably want to add in PDP here :)

>     DEC branded Cards/Options    w/known specs / OS support
>         QBus
>         TC
>         PCI?
	  UNIBUS, BI/CI etc

	If we include alpha that would also expand into EISA, ISA, PCI,
	and others (I won't mention Turbolaser :)
>     Monitors
>         VRC
>         VRT
>     Any opionions/additions on this?

	Looks good - we had an initial list of DEC info at
	of which only
	has any real information.

	I'd be more than willing to rework the perl script that generates
	the /vax/ tables from the datafiles if its any help. We can also
	probably host it on (and by extension all of the
	netbsd www mirrors) if that is any help!
