Subject: Re: compiling a kernel on an MVII
To: Phlatlyn <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/28/1999 11:59:56
On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, Phlatlyn wrote:

> How long does it take to compile a 1.4.1 kernel on a MVII

This is highly dependent on the amount of RAM present in your system, and
the particular install setup you have (diskless, or local disk install).
In a diskless setup, it will even depend on the operating system of your
NFS server (I'm still finding Linux to be a very poor NFS server for
NetBSD). Another significant variable will be what you're including in
your configuration file.

Now... all variables aside, I'd guess it would take on the order of 1-3
days for the kernel to compile on a MicroVAX II. I've not done it in a
while on such a machine, but it takes a certain amount of patience.

--- Brian Chase | | -----
I would have mailed this instead of posting it, but they've got the
massive six-CPU mail server here down for a few minutes while they
shovel in another hundred pounds of antimatter to power it.  -- K.