Subject: Attn: Aaron Grier (was RZ23's usable?)
To: NetBSD Mailing List <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/17/1999 23:01:02
Aaron, I'm getting a remote protocol error on your mail server, so I'm
posting here. 

on 12/17/99 4:48 PM, Aaron J. Grier at wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 17, 1999 at 02:00:13PM -0500, NetBSD Bob wrote:
>> The RZ23's are really too small to do much with, except for a temp
>> file system, or maybe a swap file system, or maybe a home file system.
> RAIDframe.  :)  I'm actually looking for a bunch of RZ23s to do this
> with -- I'll ship a padded box to anybody in North America if they're
> willing to fill it with smallish SCSI drives, and of course I will pay
> shipping both ways.  Any takers?

    Well I have here sitting on my desk a Quantum ProDrive LPS's with Apple
ROM (APPL ROM may make NetBSD/SCSI unhappy, 270MB SCSI-2), a DEC RZ-22 (42MB
SCSI-1) and a Seagate ST-138N (30MB SCSI-1). I also have a Quantum Q280 in
an external case with two SCSI centronics connectors (Apple ROM again, 80MB,
SCSI-1/CCS) If you have the SCSI/MFM controller, I have some MFM drives
sitting in the closet that I would rather not see go to waste. One is a
Micropolis 42MB Full height HD. However I do not know the condition of this
drive and have never low leveled to check for bad blocks, etc. Before I
moved I had an ST4038 30MB full height OEM for IBM back in the PC-XT days
but left it behind for the dump after Stealth Boot-B ate the partition
tables (and before I got my vax). Let me know if you are interested in the
other MFM drives I have and I will dig them out of the closet.


    "I use to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure..."