Subject: Re: RZ23 HDs usable?
To: Thorsten Jens <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/17/1999 13:11:56
on 12/17/99 7:06 AM, Thorsten Jens at wrote:

> two DEC-keyboards, a keyboard with a really strange looking
> plug, 16 MB ram which were supposed to fit into the VAX but didn't,

    If you look on the underside of the keyboard, and you see LK-501 on the
label, than this is an Access Bus keybard( Access Bus is a Siemens I2C
variant; not that far from what USB is today, only much much slower). The
LK501 can only be used on the Personal DECstation 5000/xxx series of
computers. If the label is gone, and you see two ports, one on each end of
the keyboard, then chances are it is an LK501.
    Is the RAM on a set of stacked boards (about 9"x4"), SIMM's, SIPP's,
MS02 modules? (about 8"x2.5")?


    "I use to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure..."