Subject: Re: DHV-11 bug, What is a CXY08 ?
To: None <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/13/1999 18:49:38
At 09:33 PM 12/13/99 -0500, shsrms/aka/shsrms wrote:
>now, that is a diff address than you have set up, but the 440 is the
>address in the kernel.
Correct, and if you only have two MSCP controllers you can leave it there,
however if you have _three_ MSCP controllers the third one sits at 160340
which forces the DHV11 to move because it wouldn't be detected properly.
See the CSR faq or run the SYSGEN program on VMS for more information on that.
I could, as an experiment set the CSR of the disk controller elsewhere. but
that confuses VMS and the PROM monitor.