Subject: Re: Problems building a uVAXII
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: V. M. Haas (Me) <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/04/1999 09:35:34
"Chuck McManis said to me in strictest confidence"
> At 09:49 PM 12/3/99 -0500, V. M. Haas (Me) wrote:
> >During the unpacking of the tar archives to the local disks, I got the
> >following output:
> >
> > ra0: invalid command (unknown subcode) (code 1, subcode 224)
> > <about 10 of these>
> > ra0: invalid command (unknown subcode) (code 1, subcode 224)
> > tar: couldn't change access and modification times of
> > ./usr/local/sbin
> > : No such file or directory
> This looks like your disk is mislabeled and you are running of the "end" of
> it. What controller (MFG/Model) and disk are you using?
> --Chuck
Chuck -
Thanks for the reply. I was trying to "go native" and let sysinst do
the partitioning. If I am reading this correctly it is not even using
the whole set of cylinders on the disk. I am using the standard DEC MSCP
controller with RD54 disks.
I reworked the partition table based on the earlier work from Ragge,
and things are much better, now.
The table used by the sysinst program is incorrect. Is there someone
looking out for such things?
I wonder if looking for a volunteer?
-- Mark
NetBSD Lives!!