Subject: Re: VAX & IDE
To: None <>
From: Ronny Svedman <ronny@Update.UU.SE>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/03/1999 02:51:44
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999 wrote:

> I've seen that done.  the real contest doing that is putting enough
> hardware in to be useful without busting the power margin.  The list would
> be KA630, MS630(8mb), DELQA, RQDX3, DZV11 or at least something similar.
> The requirements to do that are not unreasonable, you need Q22, and lots
> of power (200-300W).
> Allison

NOW, there's one thing i'd like to try!!

we have at least three LSI-.11 lying around (vt103), with those small
tapes and all.. and a BA123 mvII with 9 megs, net & disks alreadu running
netbsd. What if I could build external power and a watercooling
system - then I could fit the mvII in one of them :-) would be *the*
coolest puter in teh club :-)
a desktop vax !

/Drooling already, reaching for the hacksaw..

* Ronny Svedman		*
* Sturegatan 12A :123   Lando_C, in IRCnet #australia	*
* 75314 UPPSALA	*
* Sweden    		+46-(0)709-525109		*