Subject: Weird Ethernet problems on VS3100/m30 KA42 1.2
To: None <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/02/1999 19:39:38
    This seems really weird to me, I was running the stock 1.4.1 kernel,
Ethernet was stable, although the system was slow. I was running an average
of 50KB/s according to FTP. (There are only two computers on the 10Base2
network at present) When I updated to 1.4L (DMA SCSI w/CRT), I was getting
much faster performance all around, with the exception of top, ps and w
being broken. But then when I went to FTP some files from the VAX to my DS,
I was getting nothing but timeouts. I tried connecting to the built in BNC
port and using a BNC -> AUI transceiver as well. It just would not transfer.
Stalled after an initial burst of about 200k/sec. Using the exact same
configuration, I booted the stock 1.4.1 kernel and transfer went straight
through at 50 k/sec. Now for the really weird part: Using the 1.4L kernel I
connected my Mac g3 with a 10BaseT Ethernet crossover cable/AUI Transceiver
to the VAX and FTP'd a 3MB binary file in <15 seconds at an average of
160k/sec with bursts over 220k/sec. Any ideas on this? Does 1.4L just not
like 10Base2? 

    Could someone set me straight on Ethernet termination? When using AUI,
must I terminate the BNC port with a T and two terminators? I did not have
it terminated at all throughout this whole process (except when I had the
10Base2 connector on the BNC port instead of AUI transciever). And must I
terminate AUI when using BNC? I keep getting conflicting info on this.


    "I use to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure..."