Subject: Re: VAXstations 2000 and 3100/M38
To: Anders Hogrelius SdU <>
From: Olaf Seibert <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/21/1999 20:53:38
On Sun 21 Nov 1999 at 20:23:09 +0100, Anders Hogrelius SdU wrote:
> I think the easiest way would be to put the disk in your ultrixbox and
> write boot.fs out to the disk with dd. I did that about a week ago, and
> installed NetBSD directly from the ftp server at It worked
> great.
Good idea. It's a lot faster ;-) After I remembered to try boot
rom()netbsd, I got in basically the same situation I am now:
>>> boot dkb0
>> NetBSD/vax boot [Aug 13 1999 20:18:28] <<
>> Press any key to abort autoboot 0
> boot netbsd
617460+1118848+151900 total=1ccfd4
then nothing. I remembered reading about console switching, so I tried
the other 2 MMJ jacks too, and the db-25 port too, but no result.
Something *was* happening though, since the tape unit reset.
There is a little switch next to the diagnostics leds, but I'm reluctant
to try it, since Ultrix works ok in whatever setting it is now, and I
prodded another one nearly to death already. Besides, according to the
info on, the MicroVAX 3100/10 does not have graphics
hardware, so why would it have a switch for it?
> /Anders
___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert - rhialto@polder.ubc. -- If one tells the truth,
\X/ -- one is sure, sooner or later, to be found out. (Oscar Wilde)