Subject: Re: Can we put together a 1.4M or later shapshot?
To: S. Akmentins-Teilors <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/17/1999 02:24:41
On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, S. Akmentins-Teilors wrote:
> > At 06:48 AM 11/15/99 , you wrote:

> > Done.  No installation stuff but the sets are there.  It's a 1.4N release.
> > Now to build X ...
> I got X built for everything except the important bit I wanted to
> start hacking on: Xmono.  Do let me know if you get anything going on
> this, please :)

I managed to get Xmono compiled under the 1.4 release, but I had to borrow
some header files from the 4.4BSD_Lite distribution.


The exact details of the mods I made escape me at the moment, but I
believe that examining the errors you find in compiling Xmono when matched
against these files it becomes possible to at least get Xmono to
compile... er, well I guess it's hard to say.  Still, start there.

--- Brian Chase | | -----
Remember, the more evil you are, the more tinted your explosion is.
It's those particles called evilons that do it.  -- K.