Subject: Re: Can we put together a 1.4M or later shapshot?
To: Matt Thomas <>
From: S. Akmentins-Teilors <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/17/1999 00:32:49
> At 06:48 AM 11/15/99 , you wrote:
> >My MV3100 and VS3100 are doing fine, but, alas, I can't seem to get through
> >a make build (kernels build fine).  I am wondering, for the sake of all
> >VAX hands, if anyone (someone, we, whatever, whomever) might put together
> >a recent snapshot with all the new stuff and drop it into the archives?
> >I think there have been enough changes, that it might help ease things for
> >those of us that are the VAXdummies aboard, who are not quite the proficient
> >code jocks, yet.....(:+\\.....
> Done.  No installation stuff but the sets are there.  It's a 1.4N release.
> Now to build X ...

I got X built for everything except the important bit I wanted to start
hacking on: Xmono.   Do let me know if you get anything going on this, please :)

Scott G. Akmentins-Taylor     InterNet:
MRY Systems	
    (Skots Gregorijs Akmentins-Teilors -- just call me "Skots")
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