Subject: Re: Surplus pickings --- what is VR201B and GDM-1602?
To: NetBSD Bob <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/05/1999 14:11:01
On Fri, 05 Nov 1999, NetBSD Bob wrote:
>What sort of cable connects to the monitor from the base. It looked like
>a short 15 pin thing. Will a ribbon cable a foot long or so do, with
>the usual IDC connectors or does it require exotic twisted pair or shielded
>coax cabling?
I've used ribbon cables in a pinch. The monitor gets its power from the
vt240 base, though, which is a bit too much current for regular ribbon don't expect said ribbon cable to last very long. ;)
>I was noticing on the one of the terminal web sites with info on the VT
>line, that they did graphics. Is that capability of much use anymore?
>...or possibly on something like a terminal driven MicroVAX where the
>Tektronics graphics could be invoked?
Yep...I find those capabilities useful when hacking with gnuplot, for
example. The vt240 handles ReGIS graphics (Remote Graphics Instruction Set)
and SIXEL graphics if I recall correctly, though I've never played around with
SIXEL. ReGIS is cool.
>Thanks, we will see, and if they have not just thrown them into the trash
>next week.....(:+{{... terminals for a buck.... terminals for a buck.....
>The fun of playing with NON-PC stuff.....(:+}}.... I let the PC horde
>scamper through first, then liesurely stroll through after they have
>thinned out so I have time to dive and play..... interesting treasures
>float to the surface of the bilges that way..... the PC folks, just
>don't know what they are missing.....(:+}}.
The PC weenies are conditioned to accept that machines crashing a few
times a day is "ok". We live in a much nicer world. Go grab that vt240! :-)
-Dave McGuire